Fair PUMP Mode Case:
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Create an NFT and Launch. Users can easily create an NFT with the AI creation tool. Set the trait and the rarity.
FairMint the NFT in the AI Fungible Token Internal platform. The mint price is based on the bonding curve. Funds raised in the mint phase will be saved in the internal pool.
Automatically launch and add liquidity. Once the internal pool reaches 10 ETH, the platform will automatically launch the ERC404 token and add the funds into the pool. Participants who mint the NFT in the previous phase can get the allocation. 50% allocate to FairMint, 50% allocate to LP.
Claim the token (NFT). The allocation is based on the mint amount at the FairMint stage.
Creators earn long term rewards. After the official launch, the NFT creator can earn the 1.5% royalty each transaction.